How can my clients use my new site
and the OHD?
Let’s take a look at the process how your clients can access and use the
Online Designer to order their custom helmet from you!
1. Let your clients access & use the Database
you as a helmet artist share your new site with your clients
A client of yours is looking for a new design. Simply direct him/her to your newly created site with the OHD and the Database(s).
providing free ACCESS for your clients
You’ve already made your decision if your site is open or restricted. If open, your clients can see, browse & customse all of the 20 templates (Basic Database).
OR restricT THE access = membership plan
Your clients will need to purchase a Membership Plan (fee set by you) to access the Basic Database.
How can your clients purchase a Membership Plan, if you’ve set your Basic Database as restricted?
We’ll set up a Product on your site that your clients can “Add to cart”.

Then they are redirected to “Cart” page. By clicking “Proceed to checkout” button they are heading to the Checkout page.

They enter their data (Name, Address, Phone, Email) and pay Membership Plan’s fee with PayPal (directly to your PP account).

They then receive the Membership Plan needed to access the database. Every time they are signed in to your site can access the database – as long as their Membership is live (you decide expiration date).
2. Browsing the Database, using the Editor
Once allowed access, your clients can see the Basic Database and browse, edit design templates.
Visiting "how it works" page
We’ll install a “How it works” page on your websie (similar to this page) to help your clients have a better understanding of the site & Editor.
visiting "database" page
All the 20 templates will be available on a single page called “Database”. Your clients can pick the one they like and then go for customising.
using the editor
Can your client access the Basic Database for free? Or do you want to set a fee for access? If so, decide expiration time (1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months etc.)
How does Database page and Editor page looks like for your clients?
This is the Database page. Your client picks a design template by clickon on “Build your own” button.

Then they are redirected to the customiser (Editor) page. (You can also test it by visiting the “Demo” page on this website.) By clicking “Add to cart” after they finished editing leads to Cart & Checkout page.

Cart page.
After proceeding to Checkout page, your clients will be able to use payment gateways you define. PayPal & Wire Transfer.

Note 1.: Both payment methods will ONLY happen between YOU and YOUR CLIENT. We are not involved in payment collection. 100% of the income is yours.
Note 2.: If you do not wish to collect payment on your site, your clients will be able to click a “Request a quote” button instead of “Add to cart” and going through the Cart -> Checkout page.
You’ll receive details of the customised design by email in both options.
3. Premium Database & Buy out option
(Module #2)
If you have Module #2, then you have two databases on your site: Basic Database (discussed above) and Premium Database (with the exclusive designs).
access to premium database: automatic or new fee?
Your clients have already access to Basic Database. Now it’s time for you to decide if you set a new fee for providing access to your Premium Database – with exclusive designs and buy out option,
automatically granting access for members of basic database
You can automatically grant access to all of your clients who have a live Membership Plan for Basic Database. They will be able to access both databases with one Membership Plan.
setting up a new fee for accessing the premium database
Premium Database – Premium Membership Plan? You can do so: your clients will need to purchase a product in the same way as shown above to get access to Premium designs. Fee is 100% set by you.
Extra option in Module #2 is the buy out option.
How can your clients purchase their choosen, customised design
– so it is not available for others to see and get it painted (=granting 100% uniquness)?
If you have two Databases, they are separated on the “Database” page.

Your clients enter Premium Database and then choose a design -> redirecting to Edit page.
All Premium designs will have +1 step in the editor which will ask the client if he/she wants to own/buy out that design.

The buy out fee is set by you and 100% yours. No commission!