Design your helmet online, in just 5 minutes, without drawing skills!

Meet our Online Helmet Designer tool with more than 20 templates and millions of color variations!
Professional artists are waiting to provide quotes and get started with painting your new helmet!

The idea

We all know that designing is a major part of creating a custom helmet, and without creative ideas or drawing skills it’s tough to come up with your dream design.

But finding your ideal designer who is on the same page, skilled, patient and not so expensive isn’t easy either.

So you’re ideas stuck in your head 🙁


And the idea was born!! 

Why don’t we offer the opportunity to design your own helmet?

It’s fun, and you can come up with millions of variations. Let us know if you find a designer who presents you 20+ templates with millions of colour variations – without telling him a word about your ideas!

Scroll down to meet our virtual designer tool that can read your thoughts:
the Online Helmet Designer!

How does it work?

Check all details in the upper menus


test the editor with 5 free templates

You can access 5 templates immediately, no signup, no credit card needed.


access more designs from as low as €19!

25+ design templates are waiting for you – with buy out option to be 100% unique.


Pick a template, configure colours

Each template has at least 3 editable sections, each with 12 colour options = 240.000+ variations!

receive multiple painting quotes

We have 10+ painter partners all around the world: UK, Portugal, Germany, USA, Hungary!

Let's see the main features of the
Online Helmet Designer


Online visual editor with realistic effects

You will be able to pick a template & edit it in an online editor, real time.


Database with 20+ editable templates

20+ templates are ready to be configured, meaning 20 x 240.000 variations, with realistic 3D-like effects.


Chat consultation with design expert

Does this look good? Should I change silver to black? Let's have a chat about your design!

Buy out option

Do you want to remove your choosen template from the database? No problem, this feature is available in our plans!

Quick preview of the Online Helmet Designer

(Visit "Free templates" page for a live test!)

How can you get on board and start using the service?

Discover the available packages under “Pricing”, and begin playing around with templates & colours!