Helmet Artists,
work less, earn more. Interested?
Take your designing service to the next level
Meet our Online Helmet Designer tool and forget time consuming designing processes. Accept new clients and do what you like to to the most: the paintwork!

The idea
We all know that designing is a major part of creating a custom helmet. Based on our experiences, clients are either out of ideas or want to control every milimeter of their design.
All in all, satisfying the designing needs requires a lot of patience and of course time – and as we know, time is money.
So we had an idea…
Why don’t we offer the opportunity to our clients to design their own helmets? It’s fun for them, and saves a lot of time for us – as well as increases our source of income.
Scroll down to meet the Online Helmet Designer, and check out how to get started!
How does it work?
Check all details in the upper menus
Pick a new site (domain) name, We'll install the EDITOR & a BAsic database
20 helmet templates are included in the basic setup with more than 240.000 variations for each designs!
collect membership fee from your clients to allow access
You can set your own pricing for granting access to your new site (you can also set no fee).
set your painting prices, let your clients do the designing
Your clients will be able to pick 1 of the 20 designs, see prices set by you in real time as they play with the Designer.
Let's see the main features of the
Online Helmet Designer
Online visual editor with realistic effects
You will be able to pick a template & edit it in an online editor, real time.
Database with 20+ editable templates
20+ templates are ready to be configured, meaning 20 x 240.000 variations, with realistic 3D-like effects.
Chat consultation with design expert
Does this look good? Should I change silver to black? Let's have a chat about your design!
Buy out option
Do you want to remove your choosen template from the database? No problem, this feature is available in our plans!
Quick preview of the Online Helmet Designer
(Visit "Free templates" page for a live test!)

How can you get on board and start using the service?
The Online Helmet Designer is a subscribtion based service.
There is a yearly Licence fee and a 3 / 6 / 12 months subscribtion plan.